Christine from Restore is an incredible lady with total commitment and focus in her faith and support to others. It was and honour to provide these 6 ladies the ideal location and ambience one needs to benefit from retreats. The vast flora and fauna put on a magical display and the weather, well it gave them the enjoyment of the outdoors and the warmth of the kitchen fire indoors with a yummy fresh wholesome lunch provided. The spa was a great way to relax and reset. A couple of ladies doubled up in the Grand Master Bedroom and all enjoyed the dense quietness that this valley provides for that long awaited treasured sleep. Christine has again invited Redbluff to host another 3 day retreat in the near future. An uplifting Fellowship was had at the end of the retreat and Christine is available on 0274977108 to discuss bookings for this retreat. It is with grace and love, opening this home to all and thank you Christine.
Restore Womens Retreat
Updated: Aug 19, 2022